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Banks Open On Saturday – Find One Near Me

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Updated on May 2, 2022 by
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Sometimes you have an emergency, and sometimes you have to pay for a weekend trip. There are several banks that are open on Saturday, and if you have a money emergency, you should consider opening an account there.

Here is a list of banks that are open on Saturday.

Capital One

Capital One has over 700 branches in the United States and many of them are open on Saturday. Many of these branches are open during normal business hours on Saturday. The opening hours can be as late as 2 pm on weekends and 6 pm on the weekdays.


Citibank has over 800 branches in the United States and many of them are open on Saturday. Most of these branches are open during normal business hours on Saturday.

Bank of America

Bank of America has become one of the largest banks in the United States. There are other banks that offer similar services and products, but the main difference is the bank’s size.

Bank of America is not just a bank, it is a huge company that has its hands in many other areas of the economy. The company owns various insurance companies, investment firms, and investment banking operations.

The bank offers financial services to corporations and individuals. The services include checking accounts, loans, mortgages, and personal banking. The banking business is quite profitable because there are many customers that prefer to use their own money to pay for financial services rather than taking out loans from banks or other financial institutions.

Due to their large scale, some branches of Bank of America open on Saturday. These branches include those that have ATMs, account service centers, and loan centers. The locations of these branches vary and they are located in different parts of the country.

PNC Bank

PNC Bank is present in 23 states. It has approximately 2,600 branches and more than 9,000 ATMs.Some branches of PNC are open on Saturday afternoons and on weekdays until 6 pm.

U.S. Bank

There are more than 3,000 branches of the United States Bank, and many of them are open on Saturdays. The branches of each of these companies are open on Saturday during the normal business hours.

Banks Open On Saturday

SunTrust Bank

SunTrust has over 1,200 branches across the country and many of them are open on Saturday, but not all of them. Some of the branches that are open on Saturday are those in or near shopping centers and malls. This is especially true for branches that are in or near big cities.

You will have a much better chance of finding a branch that is open on Saturday at one of these locations. SunTrust Bank branches that are open on Saturday typically have more staff than those that are not open on Saturday, and they have tellers to assist you if you need help.

Wells Fargo Bank

Wells Fargo has been offeringWells Fargo Bank has more than 5,000 branch offices throughout the United States. You can view the full list of all banks near you by visiting the Wells Fargo official website or Google Map.

Many of the branches are open on Saturday and you can find the one nearest to you by visiting the Wells Fargo branch office locator.

If you want to know the opening hours of a particular branch, please click on “Find Branch” and enter your location. You will be able to see the opening hours of a specific branch as well as the number of locations that are open on Saturday.

M&T Bank

This bank is available in many states: from New York to Pennsylvania. It probably also has branches near your location that still open on Saturday. The bank is open from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM on Saturdays.

Wintrust Bank

Wintrust Bank has more than 150 branches in the U.S., and most of them are open on Saturdays. Many of the branches in the U.S. are open during business hours on Saturdays until 1 pm.

Why Are Some Banks Not Open on Saturday?

Many banks do not have ATMs and their hours of operation are limited. Most banks open in the morning and close around noon. The later you go to a bank, the more likely it is that you will have to wait in line to use an ATM. Banks usually have limited hours of operation because they only have so many employees, who must work during those hours

What Happens if I Need Cash?

Most grocery stores, convenience stores, and gas stations will be open on Saturday as well as most other stores that do not need to be open 24 hours a day. Even Wal-Mart will be open on Saturday! Many people go to Wal-Mart or a similar store because they need cash or need something like food or a DVD or something else they cannot get at their local bank branch. Also many times the store is not too far from your home.

What Else Can I Do?

You can also use the internet to find a bank near you that is open on Saturday. You can also call your local bank and ask them if they are open on Saturday. Banks usually have a website where you can look up their hours of operation.

If there is no open branch near you on Saturday, you can contact their customer service instead and ask them to help you. Most banks do not charge a fee for doing this. If you are going to use a bank’s online services, it is a good idea to check their website before calling them because some banks charge fees for using their online services.

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