
Top 7 Whiz-Bang Activities to Keep Your Kids Thrilled and Engaged

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Updated on August 26, 2023 by
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It’s no surprise that today’s kids crave stimulation – with the influx of technology and games, their boredom threshold has skyrocketed. Trying to keep your kids entertained can sometimes feel like an uphill battle as a parent.

But don’t lose heart; there are many thrilling activities available that will make your family happy. From finger painting to outdoor adventures, we’ve rounded up these top seven whiz-bang activities to keep your kids thrilled and engaged for hours.

So break away from those screens, grab some supplies and get ready for fun times – it’s time to get creative with these joyful experiences. Below are the fun activities your kids can enjoy:

1. Get Messy with Finger Painting

This activity is perfect for young children and toddlers who are still developing motor skills. Finger painting is a great way to have fun with little ones, as it encourages creative expression and helps children hone their fine motor skills.

Just use washable paint, paper, and baby wipes and watch the magic happen. This way, you can monitor the mess without worrying about ruining your floor and furniture.

2. Make an Obstacle Course

An obstacle course is a great way to bring out your kids’ inner Olympian. Have them jump, climb, crawl, and run through the course in their backyard – or create one inside if it’s raining. Plus, you can adjust the difficulty levels depending on your children’s ages.

Monkey bars, hula-hoops and other outdoor equipment are some fun items you can incorporate. Vuly offers a range of trampolines and monkey bars that are perfect for creating an obstacle course that will provide hours of fun and entertainment.

3. Have a Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunts are among the best games to keep your kids entertained. Set up clues for your kids to follow as they look for hidden objects about the house for this activity, which may be done indoors or outdoors.

You may make it into an adventure game by having them dress up in their favourite costumes for added enjoyment. It’s a fantastic technique to assist kids in learning how to solve problems and foster their creativity.

4. Try Out Origami

Origami may look intimidating, but it’s actually an effortless activity you can do with your kids. It requires no more than some paper and a few simple steps. Plus, origami allows children to apply their creativity in designing their own figures.

The fundamentals of origami can be learned through a variety of books or online instructions. You may teach your children how to learn from online tutorials in a controlled atmosphere by watching instructional videos with them.

5. Set Up a Mini Greenhouse

Mini greenhouse craft kits for kids may be used to let your children explore the fascinating world of gardening. This activity is perfect for teaching children about nature and plants, as well as honing their scientific skills.

You can commence with easy projects such as planting flowers or vegetables in a mini-greenhouse made out of recycled plastic bottles or old jars. The result will be a fun activity for your kids, and they can also enjoy the fruits of their labour.

6. Build a Lego City

Building a Lego city or village can be a thrilling experience for all kids. Your kids will take part in a range of activities, such as using their Lego pieces to construct roads, putting up buildings and landscapes, and even making characters to live in the town they have constructed.

Your kids will like this exercise and have the opportunity to describe their creativity and imagination, in addition to having fun. Which is best? There are countless possible constructions and tales that may be created using Lego pieces.

7. Host a Dance Party

Your kids may never want to miss the opportunity of having a dance party with their friends. Let them invite family, friends, and even neighbours over for an evening full of fun. Ask them to pick out some tunes they like the most and help them create some decorations, such as balloons and streamers.

Letting your kids plan the party will enhance their organisational skills. While participating in this activity, you’ll be shocked by their degree of excitement and leadership abilities. This is a great approach to introduce the idea of teamwork and collaboration.


There’s a wide selection of activities you can do with your kids to keep them thrilled and engaged. From messy finger painting to dancing parties, these seven whiz-bang activities will help your little ones have a blast while teaching them important life skills.

Don’t forget to include yourself in the fun! After all, you are your child’s biggest role model, and they’ll love to spend quality time with you. So consider the above activities and give your children the time of their lives. Have fun!

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