
Walmart Contact Lens Exam Cost – Detailed Price Overview

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Updated on November 24, 2022 by
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Walmart Eye Exam

Walmart charges $60 for an eye test and prescription for glasses. This price is for just a simple eye exam – it does not count towards if you need to have corrective lenses or if you need to have your glasses changed. If they order a photo of your retina like you would get with an Optos or similar, you will be charged an extra $30. Contact lenses are expensive and will cost more – it will cost $125, and there will be additional cost for Astigmatisms.

If you have no insurance, it will cost you $60 for a normal eye exam. Some optometrists accept multiple insurance plans from their patients. However, some health as well as vision insurance plans do not cover services at Walmart. Some optometrists accept cash payments. Some doctors perform certain services that are not provided by a routine eye exam, such as treatment for eye infections or other diseases that are not part of your insurance plan. But it is a condition that does not normally occur as part of a normal eye care visit.

Walmart Contact Lens

Walmart sells prescription for contact lenses in their store as well as online stores. You may need to get a prescription at Walmart or your eye doctor to buy that. You could  get free shipping if you buy the prescription online.

This is the more detailed price of Walmart contact lens:

  • Daily Disposable (90) costs $44 to $127
  • Monthly Disposable (90) costs $46 to $155
  • Conventional (Vial) costs $49.50
  • Toric/Astrigmatism (90) costs $64 to $99
  • Multifocal costs $79 to $130

Walmart sells all major contact lens brands, such as Acuvue, PureVision, DAILIES, Biotrue, Proclear, and many others. It has features that will suit your needs and preferences just like you shop at any store.

A routine eye exam costs about $130 at Walmart. If you have astigmatism or need bifocals, that may cost more.  Walmart has a wide selection of contact lenses starting at $20. Walmart offers a variety of lenses, including Acuvvue, Biofinity, and Air Optix.

You will get your prescription from Walmart and you can use it to buy any contact products that you wish to buy from any store. If it is urgent that you get contact lenses, you can get it sent to you in 3 to 4 days for just $11.95 shipping.

Walmart Contact Lens Exam Cost

Cost Without Insurance

Walmart charges $70 for a basic eye test without any insurance. Also, astigmatism or bifocal correction may cost you an extra dollar. Walmart Vision Center will accept most insurance plans that cover eye exams and in-store purchases.

Walmart treats optometrists not as employees of the store but as contractors. Walmart allows doctors to rent out space for optometrists who would like to own their own shop for less than they would charge for it. It’s proving to be a win-win situation for optometrists, Walmart and for you because if you get a low price on an eye exam and then walk into a Walmart in your neighborhood, Walmart can entice more customers to their store, and optometrists get a cheaper location with many customers.

Cost With Insurance

Walmart Vision Center will accept insurance only for eye test and in-person purchases. Online purchases are not eligible for any insurance. To make sure, you can call a nearest location to see if your insurance is covered. Walmart provides service that is not covered by some insurance companies, including Cole Managed Vision, Davis Vision, EyeMed, Spectra, and VSP.

You still have the option of submitting reimbursements for all other insurance companies outside their networks by completing an outside-network reimbursement form and submitting a Walmart itemization receipt to your insurance provider.

The Optical Rating for Walmart Eye Exam

The doctors who work for Walmart are very well-educated, just like any normal doctor. They just rent a room in one of the stores rather than own a separate building for their practice. Each doctor that Walmart has hired or contracted with is a fully registered optometrist. Quality of work shouldn’t be related to where a doctor works, as it has everything to do with how many years of experience he or she has.

If it is a long time since you have had an eye exam, look at optometrists who have had lots of patients over the years. And unless you want to have your prescription extremely precise or if there are other health issues that you may need to have treated, you should definitely see your current eye doctor. They have more knowledge of the different periods in history and will therefore be ideally positioned to give you more time for your exam.

Some doctors are really Walmart employees, as state laws differ between them. Many optometrists are self-employed and lease equipment, office space, and staff from Walmart. This is why the turnover rate of Walmart doctors is very high. Some doctors will not be the same each time you come in for an exam or an office visit.

Many consumers think that because Walmart sells low-price household products it automatically equates to low prices on eye exams as a result. But when we visit them, we find that the prices they charge for frames and lenses are very similar to the prices paid by many other optometrists.

Walmart used to be very competitive in the pricing of contact lenses, but many suppliers have changed their prices to allow for fair pricing for all customers, whether they are buying lenses online or at a store. Walmart already has an agreement with 1-800-Contacts to help people buy contact lenses. You may be surprised to learn that your doctor may be just as competitive.

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