
Every Walmart Intercom Code Explained (Even the secret ones)

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Updated on September 25, 2023 by
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Whenever you are shopping in Walmart, you are bound to hear staff members use the intercom. The words you hear likely won’t make much sense to you because they are specific to the company.

So, what do they all mean? How do you decipher what the intercom pages mean?

What are Intercom Codes?

Store intercom codes are used in similar ways to hospital intercom codes. The codes pass along information to employees, who can then respond to the codes as necessary. Shoppers are not bothered by a lot of background chatter and information. Instead, they can stay focused on getting their shopping done.

Any good store would normally have an intercom system. This is used to communicate between the store employees and customers. There are different codes that are used to talk on the intercom. Walmart codes can be broken down into four categories:

  • General: these are used for general tasks, such as spills, stocking shelves, and more.
  • Emergency: the store also uses some codes to indicate emergency situations.
  • Customer Service: they’re also used to communicate customer service activities.
  • Sales & Discounts: some codes are used to let employees know about sales and discounts.

These codes allow for you to talk to the store staff and get help. This makes it easy for you to find what you need. It also makes it easy for all the members of management to hear what is going on in the case of a security issue. In many cases, they are used as security codes to warn of potential danger.

These codes are important for stores like Walmart, because they allow for people to be alerted of potential dangers in the store.

What Do Walmart’s Secret Intercom Codes Mean?

Walmart is among many of the companies that use intercom systems. This means that they have a code for their staff to use when communicating with customers. It is usually used to warn of potential danger in the store. It is also used as a security measure so that the management can know what is going on in the store.

If you are shopping at Walmart, you will likely hear the staff use these codes on the intercom. So, what do they all mean? What does each one mean? In this case, you need to know what these codes mean so that you can ask for help if needed. Let’s look at a few of them below.

There are four different types of codes that you can hear over Walmart’s intercoms. These codes include:

  • Colors
  • Numbers
  • Letters
  • A couple of word codes

While specific words and phrases for each code exist, it can be challenging to remember what each of these Walmart intercom codes means. For that reason, we will break them down here.


The first category of Walmart intercom codes are the colors. These are often used to indicate a change or specific situation happening in the store. Employees are trained to recognize what each color signifies. They can range from a moderately serious incident to possibly life-threatening situations. It’s important for employees to know what each of these codes mean, so that they can quickly take the necessary safety measurements as needed.

  • Code White – This code means an accident (such as an injury) or another type of incident has happened within the store.
  • Code Red – This code means there is a fire of some type within the store. After the color is spoken, it’s usually followed by a number. This number refers to the aisle or part of the store where the fire has broken out.
  • Code Orange – This code pertains to a chemical spill in some location inside or outside. After the color has been spoken, the location of the chemical spill is also given. Employees who are free at the time of the announcement must help take care of the spill.
  • Code Black – This code comes about when there is dangerous and severe weather in the area.
  • Code Brown – When you hear this code, it means that there is a shooter on the premises. This indicates it’s time to head to an exit, if you can. If you’re not near an exit, make sure to follow employee instructions and remain calm.
  • Code Green – This code means that there is an active hostage situation taking place. If you can do it safely, call the police and request help. Remain as calm as possible and ensure you’re in a safe area of the store.
  • Code Blue – This code means that there is a potential bomb threat happening in the store.


When shopping in Walmart, you may also hear numbers used over the store’s intercom system. There are a few codes that Walmart uses that are associated with numbers. These codes are typically directed to a specific department in the store.

Code 300 and Department 51 – These intercom codes call attention to the security team and are typically followed by a specific store area or an extension to call. This action is alerting their attention to a location that needs their assistance.

Codes 15 and 60 – These codes help security staff alert others that they are going on a 15 or 60-minute break and will therefore not be surveilling the area.

Code 20: is used to let employees know that an employee break is necessary.

Code 30: is used to instruct employees to check for security issues in the store.


Walmart uses one code that includes a letter pertaining to customer service needs within the store.

Code A: indicates that employees need to check the aisles for spills or messes.

Code B: lets employees know to clear the area for a VIP customer or visitor.

Code C – When an associate hears this code, they know that customer service is needed in a particular department. The speaker will typically specify this department along with the code.

Walmart’s Secret Code Words

So, we’ve learned of the basic categories of Walmart intercom codes. We’ve learned some of what color codes, letter codes, and number codes can mean. Aside from that, though, there are also several unique codes that are actually made up of a word or two.

In particular, Walmart has two codes that you might hear over the intercoms that are phrases instead of letters, numbers, or colors.

Code Spark – When this code comes over the intercom, it means that the register area of the store is overwhelmed and needs all hands on deck. Associates from all departments are expected to come and operate registers, bag items, and help with returns or carts. Once this code is announced, all Walmart employees are expected to head to the checkouts. “All hands on deck“ means that every single employee needs to temporarily aim their focus in reducing the stress in checkout queues. They may aid in operating the registers, for example, or in bagging the purchases.

Code Adam – This code is specific to missing children. When a child is reported missing while in the store, Walmart will share this code, and employees will monitor each entrance and the whole store in general until the code is lifted. In other words, when the lost child in question is found. In addition, anyone who is in charge of the store intercom may share a brief description of the child to make the search easier. This code name is in honor of Adam Walsh, a child who went missing in a Walmart store in 1981.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Walmart Use the Intercom in Other Languages Than English?

No, the store intercom announcements are only made in English. However, employees can assist customers in other languages if they can.

Is there a Walmart intercom code for shoplifting?

Unfortunately, it is not known what the intercom code for Walmart shoplifting is. This is likely done for security reasons, as they would not want whoever is suspected for shoplifting to start being wary over being caught. While it is likely that Walmart does have an intercom code for shoplifting, this code is mostly kept secret and is only given to employees.

What are some of the most common pranks done to Walmart intercoms?

It has been said in some parts of the internet that dialing the code #9611 on your cell phone can connect you to the nearest Walmart store intercom. A popular prank is to dial this and then say misleading intercom codes. This prank has been done so often that Walmart has pulled back many of their store phones starting in 2010. Nowadays, it’s unsure if this prank can be done in the same way.

Conclusion: What Are Walmart’s Secret Intercom Codes?

Walmart’s workforce has many interesting codes and procedures (like dress code and calling in sick). There are a variety of intercom codes that you can hear when roaming the aisles of Walmart. Although you likely haven’t understood what any of them meant, now you will.

Between numbers, letters, colors, and code words, the messages you hear on the intercom can sound like a foreign language. However, each has its purpose and helps the store to operate smoothly.

Whether you’re an employee or a customer, you may find some benefits from knowing what some of these codes mean. You can make use of them when you need to call for help, when you need to ask for some assistance from the store, or to be aware of any possible danger.

Asking questions about Walmart’s intercom codes is a great way to get help with the tasks that you are doing. The most important thing is that if you do find yourself in a situation where you need assistance, then calling the right code can have drastically positive impacts. In many cases, they may even save your life.

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